Breezy does not include server-side rendering out of the box, but you can easily add it with humid.
Follow the instructions. Then create a app/javascript/packs/server_rendering.js:
import React from 'react';
import { ApplicationBase } from '@jho406/breezy'
import SeatsIndex from 'views/seats/index'
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
retrieveSourceMap: filename => {
return {
url: filename,
map: readSourceMap(filename)
// Mapping between your props template to Component, you must add to this
// to register any new page level component you create. If you are using the
// scaffold, it will auto append the identifers for you.
// e.g {'posts/new': PostNew}
const identifierToComponentMapping = {
'seats/index': SeatsIndex,
'seats/show': SeatsIndex,
export default class Application extends ApplicationBase {
mapping() {
return identifierToComponentMapping;
visitAndRemote(navRef, store) {
return {visit: () => {}, remote: () => {}}
setHumidRenderer((json) => {
const initialState = JSON.parse(json)
return ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
// baseUrl={origin}
// The global var BREEZY_INITIAL_PAGE_STATE is set by your erb
// template, e.g., index.html.erb
// The initial path of the page, e.g., /foobar
// path={path}