
Breezy is inspired by Turbolinks. When you click on a link like this: <a href='/posts' data-bz-visit={true} />, Breezy fetches the next page's full content in JSON and swaps it with the current page JSON before handing it to your next React page component.

Pages not models

Breezy comes with a simple and denormalized Redux state. Each node in the store is a copy of your recently visited page in JSON. This concept is very similar to Turbolink's page cache, but Breezy exposes the pages to your Redux reducers to allow you to make optimistic updates.

For example, we can optimistically edit the header on the current and all previous pages using a reducer.

const applicationPagesReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch(action.type) {

    const nextPages = { ...state }
    const { email } = action.payload

    for (const key in nextPages) {
      if (nextPages[key].email) {
        nextPages[key].email = email

    return nextPages

    return state


There are no APIs to build. Instead, Breezy leans on Rail's ability to render different mime types on the same route.

In a Breezy application, you write your page's content in JSON using PropsTemplate, inject that state in HTML, and write your markup in JSX.

Here's how that looks:

    index.html.erb <- where index.json.props gets rendered as initial state
    index.js <- Gets packaged with application.js
    index.json.props <- will also respond to `.json` requests

The routes remain simple:

  resources :posts

When a user clicks on a link enabled with Breezy's UJS:

  <a href='/posts' data-bz-visit={true} />

Breezy will specify the request's mime type as JSON, causing Rails to render index.json.props, and respond with the full page's JSON for your next page component to consume.

Make updates easy

Any part of your page can be easily updated in as little as a single line of code.

For example, here's how to refresh a chart with a button without any APIs:

  <a href='/posts?bzq=data.dashboard.key_metrics_chart' data-bz-remote={true} />

PropsTemplate powers this interaction. Any template you build with PropsTemplate is queryable using a param that you pass to the root node in your layout/application.json.props: params[:bzq]) do
  json.side_bar do
    # gets skipped
  json.dashboard do
    json.key_metrics_chart do
      #gets rendered

When the server receives a request, it will query your template and fetch ONLY the data.dashboard.key_metrics_chart node without executing other nodes in your template.

Finally, Breezy on the client-side will receive the node, immutably graft it into your Redux state in the same exact path and hand it over to your component to render.

The syntax of bzq is a keypath, here's another example using an array:

  <a href='/posts?bzq=data.post_list.0.title' data-bz-remote={true} />

Read more about this in the querying guide

Embrace UJS

You may have noticed that we've been using data-bz-remote or data-bz-visit in the examples.

  <a href='/posts?bzq=data.dashboard.key_metrics_chart' data-bz-visit={true} />

Breezy embraces Unobtrusive Javascript. Any link or form with a data-bz attribute receives superpowers inspired by Rails data attributes.

For more advanced use cases, an action creator is passed to all your connected components when using the included React helpers

For example:


Last updated

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