
Modals are easy. Lets imagine a scenario where we have two urls:

  1. /posts

  2. /posts/new

When a user visits /posts/new from /posts, we want a modal to appear overlaying the existing list of posts. The overlay should work if a user chooses instead to directly visit /posts/new.

The setup

Both urls render a list of posts. Lets set up the controller and the page_to_page_mapping.js the same way.

=== "posts_controller.rb" !!! info "Same template different action" Notice that we're rendering the index for the new action. While the content is the same, the componentIdentifier is different as that has been setup to use the controller and action name.

  # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb

  def index
    @posts = Post.all

  def new
    @posts = Post.all
    render :index

=== "page_to_page_mapping.js" !!! info Similarly, we tie the componentIdentifier to the same page component.

    **Vite Users** This step can be entirely optional if you're using Vite. See
    the [recipe](recipe/ for more information.

import PostIndex from '../views/posts/index'

export const pageIdentifierToPageComponent = {
  'posts/index': PostIndex,
  'posts/new': PostIndex,

Imagine a list of posts, lets add a button somewhere on the index page to direct the user to /posts/new. As seen previously, both /posts and /posts/new render the same thing.

=== "posts/index.json.props" ```ruby # app/views/posts/index.json.props


json.newPostPath new_post_path

=== "posts/index.js" ```js import { useContent } from '@thoughtbot/superglue'

export default PostIndex = () => {
  const { newPostPath, } = useContent()

  return (
      New Post

The modal

The link appears and we're able to navigate to /posts/new, but /posts/new is missing a modal. Not surprising as both routes are rendering the same content.

Lets add a modal.

=== "posts/index.json.props" !!! info For simplicity, we'll use a "Hello World" as the modal contents ```diff # app/views/posts/index.json


json.newPostPath new_post_path

+ json.createPostModal do
+   json.greeting "Hello World"
+ end


=== "index.js" ```diff + import Modal from './Modal'

export default PostIndex = ({
}) => {

  return (
      New Post
+   <Modal {...createPostModal} />

=== "Modal.js"

!!! info
    This is a simplified modal, in practice you'll use this with `<Dialog>` or
    other modal library.

import Modal from './Modal'

export default Modal = ({
}) => {
  return (
    <div className="my-modal">{greeting}</div>

Too many modals

Unfortunately, now BOTH routes have modals! Lets fix that by adding a conditional render.

=== "index.json.props" ```diff # app/views/posts/index.json.props


json.newPostPath new_post_path

json.createPostModal do
  json.greeting "Hello World"
+ json.showModal @show_modal

=== "posts_controller.rb" ```diff # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb

def index
  @posts = Post.all
+ @show_modal = false

def new
  @posts = Post.all
+ @show_modal = true
  render :index

=== "Modal.js" ```diff import Modal from './Modal'

export default Modal = ({
+  showModal
}) => {
  return (
-   <div className="my-modal">{greeting}</div>
+   {showModal && <div className="my-modal">{greeting}</div>}


Awesome! We have modals! Unfortunately, clicking <a href={newPostPath}>New Post</a> will cause a new page load. We can remove the page load by adding data-sg-visit to the link. With data-sg-visit, Superglue will navigate to the next page without reloading the page, just like Turbo.


import Modal from './Modal'
import { useContent } from '@thoughtbot/superglue'

export default PostIndex = () => {
  const {
  } = useContent()

  return (
+     data-sg-visit
      New Post
    <Modal {...createPostModal} />


With the above, a click on New Post while on /posts will

  1. Fetch /posts/new with format=json

  2. Save the page to the store

  3. Swap the page components

  4. Change the url

Unfortunately, step 1 is still a full page load. Commonly, we just want to load the modal without loading the entire page.

Lets fix that!


Recall how digging for content works. We'll add a props_at that digs for the modal on /posts/new while skipping other content on that page.

# app/views/posts/index.json


- json.newPostPath new_post_path
+ json.newPostPath new_post_path(props_at: `data.createPostModal`)

json.createPostModal do
  json.greeting "Hello World"
  json.showModal @show_modal

With that change, the sequence becomes:

  1. Copy the state in /posts to /posts/new in the store.

  2. Fetch /posts/new?props_at=data.createPostModal

  3. Graft the result to the store at /posts/new

  4. Swap the page components

  5. Change the url

Last updated

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