The return of Rails UJS

Unobtrusive Javascript is an easy way to added single page app like features to HTML links and form tags. Its taken a backseat since the introduction of Hotwire, but Superglue puts UJS back in the forefront and packs it with functionality that makes building SPA-like functionality easy and consistent.

Want to reload a shopping cart?

<a href="/props_at=data.sideBar.shoppingCart" data-sg-remote>Reload the cart</a>

Or maybe load a modal efficiently when the next page has one?

<a href="/posts/new?props_at=data.modal">Create Post</a>

With Superglue, there is just one concept. No need for the complexity of Stimulus controllers, Turbo Streams, or Turbo Frames.

Superglue operates like a multipage application. In other to transition to the next page without reloading you'll need to use UJS attributes data-sg-remote or data-sg-visit.


Use data-sg-visit when you want to navigate to the next page and update the address bar without reloading.

<a href='/posts/new' data-sg-visit />

In the above example, when the link is clicked, Superglue will intercept the click, make a request for /posts/new.json, swap your page component, and pass the payload.

!!! note You are not able to specify the HTTP method used in a UJS link.

This is intentional. If you want to create a link that can support `POST`,
`PUT`, `DELETE` methods, create a form component that looks like a link and
use props generated from [form_props]


You can also use data-sg-visit on forms:

<form action='/some_url' data-sg-visit />


Use data-sg-remote when you want to update parts of the current page without reloading the screen.

!!! tip "Differences from remote" The only difference between data-sg-remote and remote, is that data-sg-remote passes the current page as the target pageKey of remote.

`remote`, normally would work like a background `visit` that doesn't change
the url and will use the URL of the response to save the payload.

But most of the time, if you're using `data-sg-remote` on a page, you want
to dig for `props` and attach that somewhere in the current page. For
convienence, we've modified the call so that we set the `pageKey` for you.

Combine this with props_template's [digging] to selectively load content.

<a href='/posts?page_num=2&props_at=data.body.postsList' data-sg-remote/>
  Next Page

You can also use data-sg-remote on forms.

<form action="/posts" method="GET" data-sg-remote>
  <input type="search" .... />

Expanding UJS

The dataset of the element enabled with data-sg-visit or data-sg-remote is passed to your application_visit.js. You can add your own options to control the behavior of the UJS helpers. For example, if you want to selectively show a progress bar on some links.


Included in application_visit.js as an expanded option is data-sg-replace. It pairs with data-sg-visit to replace history instead of pushing when a user clicks on a form or a link. This can be useful when working with data tables with a large number of click-to-filter options that push history.

Last updated

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