The store shape

Superglue occupies 2 nodes in your Redux state tree:

  superglue: {
  pages: {
    '/dashboard': { received from `/dashboard`.. },
    '/posts?foo=123': {... page received from `/posts?foo=123` },


The superglue node contains information about your application that you may find useful. You may read from this store, but do not write.


The pages node is where rendered pages live. It's a hash where the keys are the pathname + query of your url, known throughout the documentation as pageKey, and the values are received JSON responses.

The pageKey does not include the location hash of your URL. This is by design, Superglue ignores the location hash and falls back to browser defaults. So while you can visit /posts#foo and /posts in the browser, Superglue will store both as /posts.

Architecture motivation

There's less guesswork. Business logic is complex and diverse across industry verticals, but the presentational aspects remain largely unchanged. There will always be a header, a footer, a menu, a body with a list of items, etc.

Superglue shapes its store with this observation in mind so that any developer can look at a running application, easily guess the shape of the store, and make close-to-correct assumptions on how to update the store without looking at any code.

It's extremely productive with PropsTemplate. A keypath in your url like so remote(/dashboard?props_at=data.content.barChart) is enough to query your content on the server-side, respond with a node, and graft it at the same location in your redux state.

Last updated

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