Usage with vite

While you can use any js bundler you want with Superglue. Vite has conveniences that make working with Superglue easier.

To get started, go ahead and follow the instructions to install vite_rails

Next move your app/javascript/entrypoints/application.jsx file to app/javascript/entrypoints/application.jsx and update the references.

!!! info When using Superglue's installation generator, a app/javascript/application.jsx gets generated. vite_rails expects this to be put in an entrypoints folder. If you're installing vite_rails after superglue's installation, the is set by vite_rails to be app/javascript/entrypoints.

Migrate your @views, @javascript aliases to vite.config.mts

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import path from "path";

import RubyPlugin from "vite-plugin-ruby";

export default defineConfig({
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      "@views": path.resolve(__dirname, "app/views"),
      "@javascript": path.resolve(__dirname, "app/javascript"),
  plugins: [RubyPlugin()],

Make sure you're using vite_javascript_tag in your layout, application.html.erb.

<%= vite_javascript_tag 'application.jsx' %>

And finally, one of the more manual process of using superglue is the manual build of your page_to_page_mapping.js file. We can improve the developer experience by removing that step by using this snippet:

const pageIdentifierToPageComponent = {}
const pages = import.meta.glob('../views/**/*.jsx', {eager: true})

for (const key in pages) {
  if (pages.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    const identifier = key.replace("../views/", "").split('.')[0];
    pageIdentifierToPageComponent[identifier] = pages[key].default;

export { pageIdentifierToPageComponent }

Last updated

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